Thursday 24 March 2011


CD Cover back

I have added a barcode to make the cd cover look more realistic. I have continued with keeping a simple but effective design. This is my personal preference and from surveys and questionnaires.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


This is my video, it includes a range of shots, ranging from guitar close ups to multi shots. The backing music was added and i have tried to place clips in to fit the music. The music was written by myself and recorded with me and a friend.


This photo was took in late november 2010 on a estate in Biddulph. The album title untouched links with the idea that the fresh falling snow is untouched. In addition i have kept it simple and plain because from my research i found out that the more simple designs seem to be the most effective.

CD cover back

This picture i took on my phone whilst i was out. I then uploaded it onto the computer and edited it into my work. it is simple but effective, this links with some of the cd covers i looked at during my research stages on this project.

CD Cover

The photo used to the front of my CD cover was at mow cop castle. The image was taken on a sunny day. I took about 10 snapshots of the castle from a variety of different angles to see how it looked. I have decided to use this image because it shows off a large portion of the castle with blue sky surrounding it. In addition, in some of my other images there are people walking, this is because on this particular sunny day alot of people were out walking dogs etc.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


I am currently using pinacle studio, mixed with other editing software i have home to help to gather my footage, arrange it into order and get it in time with the music. I am finding this difficult to get the footage directly in time with the footage. This is the main problem i am currently having, which is delaying my music video being uploaded.

fireworks issues

I have encountered a problem with macromedia fireworks. The programme wont allow me to save my work because i have no disk space. However, i have looked at my disk space and there is easily enough to save the work i need. I looked on the internet and found that i needed to copy and paste the images into another fireworks document for it to save. I tried this and it was successful.

Story board/other products

My story board is complete and my final products excluding my music video are nearly ready to be uploaded onto blogger and get feedback. I have use images i have collected whilst filming to create my CD cover and poster. I am now waiting to get a digital camera to take photos of my work and upload them to blogger. From this i will get feedback and make changes if necessary.

Monday 14 February 2011

Recording technique

Recently i have purchased a zoomh2 portable recorder. It will help me to record the instruments and vocals and make it easier to put onto the computer. The quality is also good and will be suitable for my music video.

What now?

From now i am going to work with my digipack work, and complete unfinished music video editing and so forth at home. This will give me more time to work on it and hopefully i will produce a higher quality video from this.


I nearly have footage for two songs, which they both link into my plans. In addition i am going to edit and play with the footage at home to decide which one is going to work best for my music video.

which song?

So far we have about 5 complete songs with lyrics guitar and drums. We have decided to go away from the acoustics and produce a more solid rock n roll genre.
Currently i am playing drums instead of guitar, this adds a more rock effect to our music, however we are struggling to find a bass player to complete the band. This means that for the purpose of my music video, i will have to play the bass seperalty and edit it afterwards.


As the band has now getting more and more recordings i am considered using a different song for my music video.