Monday 18 October 2010

Feedback on CD covers and fonts

Ian: I think that the one with the yellow font is the best but i also think that the ones with the water fall are very good aswell.

Nath: i like both of the pictures but i think the sunday blues one is the best because the colour of the font looks good with the waterfall.

Jake: I think that the fonts used throughout these Cd cover products are good. I think the fonts stand out from the image and make it clear to see. Finding similar pictures of your own will be difficult but if you get the right images i think the CD cover will be effective.

Sarah: My initial response to these Cd covers is good. However i think they are missing something but it is hard to tell what it is. I like the images used and the fonts stand out and go well with the genre of music.

Jess: I do not like this sort of genre of music. However i think for your target audience you have created some good Cd covers.

Jack: The fonts on each Cd cover stands out, but i prefer the most recent Cd cover with the bridge and yellow font. The yellow fonts blends well with the background image and adds character. Furthermore, i think you should continue with the idea of bright fonts and dull images to make the title of the band stand out.

Sally: I think the better Cd covers are of the bridge with the bright fonts. Preferably the yellow one. I think its a interesting background and will help to engage your target audience. To improve i would include something musical within the background.

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